Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Siena is Two Months Old

Siena turned two months old on Christmas Day. The time flies! She is smiling and laughing on a regular basis. Overall, she seems to be a very happy, good-natured baby. She's a healthy baby weighing in at 12lbs. 12oz. and 23.5in. long. We are hoping for more sleep as she grows. I will go back to work in mid January. That will be an adjustment as I love our days together. This morning, she snuggled into her fuzzy bear suit and went for a walk with Nana and me. She's so adorable!


Leah said...

I LOVE the updates...keep them coming!

Miss you, Leah

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable! Gwen just had her 2 month check-up and has almost exactly the same measurements.

rikki said...

Hey Corey!
Your little girl is adorable! I found your link from Cristy's blog. Funny who you can run into that way!
Hope you're doing well.
Take care,