Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Siena is Four Months Old

Since being back to work, I haven't been good about updating you on Siena! I promise to do better. Well, she is already four months old. She is talking up a storm (I wonder where she gets that from - her dad of course). She can almost roll over. She is a very happy baby with lots of giggles and smiles. She spent most of the last month with a cold, but it didn't get her down. Her hair still stands on end (just like her Uncle JR's hair when he was little). At her doctor's appointment, she weighed 16.15 lbs. (95%) and was 25.75 in. long (97%). She may just get her dad's height (fingers crossed). The doctor thinks her eyes are going to stay blue (again, like her dad). She's turning out to be quite the daddy's girl. She's such a joy - we are having the time of our life! (Outfit courtesy of Aunt Marissa)

Our Younger Days

My mom's good friend Karen Morrow emailed me these photos the other day. These were taken on her parent's boat on the Columbia River. The second one is me and my Nana. Nana's smile was always contagious. (Check out the cool boat bar on the ground to left!) The first picture is me with my mom. Mom looks so beautiful!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Siena is Two Months Old

Siena turned two months old on Christmas Day. The time flies! She is smiling and laughing on a regular basis. Overall, she seems to be a very happy, good-natured baby. She's a healthy baby weighing in at 12lbs. 12oz. and 23.5in. long. We are hoping for more sleep as she grows. I will go back to work in mid January. That will be an adjustment as I love our days together. This morning, she snuggled into her fuzzy bear suit and went for a walk with Nana and me. She's so adorable!

Dad & Siena Time

Jamie and Siena have a great time together. They play on her activity mat and have quite deep conversations. They are pretty happy together!

Christmas 2008

We enjoyed a nice white Christmas at home with family and friends. It was very special to share Christmas with our new baby girl. She definitely hit the jackpot on cute clothes from Santa!

Snow Day!

Siena enjoyed her first snow! We didn't get out much during the 11 days of snow due to our steep driveway. At one point, I slide backwards down the driveway and almost hit Jamie's car. So, we enjoyed the snow at home.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Siena Meets Santa

Siena met Santa Claus at the Newcastle Santa Brunch. She snuggled right in and was very happy with the jolly Santa. Her little Christmas dress was a gift from Aunt Lorissa. She looked so cute!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Siena's First Christmas Tree

On Sunday, we took a trip up to North Bend to find our Christmas tree. We cut a beautiful Noble Fir. As usual, Siena slept through the whole thing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Siena's Modeling Debut

We had pictures taken of Siena when she was one week old. Check out the photographer's proofs at the following link: We are in love!