Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Siena is Four Months Old

Since being back to work, I haven't been good about updating you on Siena! I promise to do better. Well, she is already four months old. She is talking up a storm (I wonder where she gets that from - her dad of course). She can almost roll over. She is a very happy baby with lots of giggles and smiles. She spent most of the last month with a cold, but it didn't get her down. Her hair still stands on end (just like her Uncle JR's hair when he was little). At her doctor's appointment, she weighed 16.15 lbs. (95%) and was 25.75 in. long (97%). She may just get her dad's height (fingers crossed). The doctor thinks her eyes are going to stay blue (again, like her dad). She's turning out to be quite the daddy's girl. She's such a joy - we are having the time of our life! (Outfit courtesy of Aunt Marissa)

Our Younger Days

My mom's good friend Karen Morrow emailed me these photos the other day. These were taken on her parent's boat on the Columbia River. The second one is me and my Nana. Nana's smile was always contagious. (Check out the cool boat bar on the ground to left!) The first picture is me with my mom. Mom looks so beautiful!